In order to optimize the expenses in the field of security assurance within the High School of Creativity and Invention "PROMETEU-PRIM", the Administration of the institution conducted a feasibility study in the reserved area, selecting the Security Organization mentioned to our educational institution.
Due to the technical possibilities of video monitoring and surveillance used by the Security Organization, such as: the fire detection system and the "alarm" signaling system, the implementation of modern security projects was implemented in all study blocks of the High School at moderate prices. .
The fire detection, signaling and warning system installed in our institution by OP '' Thor Security Group "SRL aims to: detect, signal and notify as soon as possible about the occurrence of a fire in the blocks and study rooms, as well as that of alerting high school students and staff to imminent danger.
Subsequently, the transmission of the fire alarm signals is done through software applications on the PC, connected to the centralized monitoring desk, thus contributing to the operative reaction of evacuation of students and staff in case of triggering the fire alarm.
At various requests of the High School Administration, the employees of OP "Thor Security Group" react operatively in solving the problems, offering advisory services in the field of personnel security.
Therefore, we recommend the company OP “Thor Security Group” S.R.L., as a reliable partner for any Company with which it will relate and we appreciate the quality of its security and operational intervention services that differentiate it in a favorable way from its competitors.