Measures for protection and prophylaxis of SARS CoV - 2 diseases carried out under O.P. Thor Security Group S.R.L.
In order to establish the necessary measures to prevent the spread of SARS CoV - 2 coronavirus in the workplace in conditions of safety and health at work, as well as under the Decisions of the Public Health Commission, by Order of the director O.P. Thor Security Group S.R.L. the Instructions on measures for the protection and prophylaxis of COVID-19 diseases have been approved within the Company. The measures imposed by the Instructions govern:
- ensuring the safety and health at work of employees, as well as the prevention of occupational risks;
- informing and training employees on the risk factors to which they are exposed to contracting the SARS CoV - 2 virus;
- carrying out daily Instructions based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection;
- avoiding contact with other persons, if contact with such persons is not imperatively necessary or can be avoided;
- informing employees of universally valid precautions; - maintaining the social distance of at least 1.5 meters in all public areas;
- maintaining strict hand hygiene, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds or with approved disinfectants, whenever necessary;
- avoid touching the face with unwashed / disinfected hands;
- maintenance of respiratory hygiene: cough and / or sneezing (in the elbow crease or in the disposable napkin), rhinorrhea (in the disposable napkin). After use, the disposable napkin will be thrown in the waste bin and hand hygiene will be performed immediately;
- limiting contact with other persons to a maximum of 15 minutes, at a distance of at least 1.5 m; - providing specific personal protective equipment against the spread of SARS CoV - 2 coronavirus (protective mask, gloves);
- ensuring the access to the Company's headquarters of suppliers, subcontractors, persons entering the headquarters, the public, the beneficiaries of the services provided, the customers only in compliance with the pre-established protection measures.
The measures for protection and prophylaxis of SARS CoV - 2 diseases, implemented within O.P. Thor Security Group S.R.L. plays an important, even essential role in preventing and mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic in our Company.